ADDere Additive Manufacturing

Service & Support

24/7 Customer Service & Support

ADDere Additive Manufacturing is a subsidiary of Midwest Engineered Systems and as such we offer prompt service and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all of our products. We also offer our highest quality support for systems developed by other automated production system integrators, regardless of industry.

MWES is a multi-vendor automation system integrator. Our deep automation knowledge extends across all the major automation vendors, so you can be sure that the system you have, is a system we have experience in. This means that you only need to contact MWES to service your entire system, rather than collect a number of vendor-specialized technicians.

Areas where we Provide Support

  • Equipment field service
  • Productivity improvements
  • Technical support
  • Preventative maintenance
  • System audits
  • Spare and replacement parts
Custom system enclosure

Contact us today to see how we can service, repair, update or expand your current ADDere additive manufacturing system and to get your production process up and running, in as little time as possible.

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