ADDere Additive Manufacturing

Titanium in Power Generation & Storage

Why use Titanium in the power generation industry

Titanium’s high-heat threshold and resistance to corrosive elements make it a highly desirable metal in the construction of turbines, saltwater equipment, toxic waste storage, and chemical treatment plants. Titanium has the durability and integrity to withstand the even harshest circumstances.

Turbine blades, piping, pistons, and other critical generator components are increasingly making use of titanium with its lightweight, high-heat tolerance, and resistance to corrosive elements. Condenser piping made from titanium is becoming highly sought after in the construction of power plants for its much greater lifespan versus more traditional metals in harsh environments. Another example is tubing and piping used in desalination equipment that is made from titanium hold up far better than typical metals used in corrosive saltwater environments. Titanium’s strength to handle high-stress and hostile environments make it an ideal metal for the rigors of power generation and is seeing a greater demand in this industry.

Titanium is also an ideal metal for the construction of nuclear waste storage containers for its low reactivity to other elements and resistance to corrosion. This gives such containers made from titanium a greatly increased lifespan, compared to other materials, which could last upwards of 100,000 years. With increasing amounts of nuclear waste produced on the Earth, containers made from titanium could become essential for the well-being of future generations.

Titanium has numerous applications in the industrial sector with its strength, lightweight, and corrosion resistance. Titanium’s durability in power generation and industrial storage applications will ensure its continued and expanding use for years to come.

ADDere’s additive manufacturing can streamline the development and production process of large-scale components made from titanium. Contact us today and see if your manufacturing operations can benefit from ADDere’s additive manufacturing with titanium.

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